
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Daniel Reeve: Master Maps

It's not every day that you stumble upon a map that literally takes your breath away. This morning I was doing a Google Image search for maps of Moria (because I do that kind of thing), and I stumbled across the cartography of Daniel Reeve. These maps are beautiful master works, every single one.


  1. I like hunting maps w/google image, as well. There's some awesome stuff, out there.

  2. Sweet St. Cuthbert his work is amazing!

  3. These are amazing, but I am weeping because I am unable to find a high-rez version of that Moria map, which is UNBELIEVABLE.

  4. Argh! You are so right! I can't beleive I can't buy a copy of that Moria map right now. The only LotR maps I can find anywhere are kind of crapped up with movie theme borders and other crud. And there's no high-res version of that Moria map anywhere!

  5. Info on that map. Was extra included with special edition Mines of Moria expansion for LotR online. No longer available, pfft!

  6. You are so awesome for finding a high res version of that map. I am so very much going to make a big megadungeon map in the not-too-distant future.

  7. Post a copy of that megadungeon when you get it done.
