
Friday, March 26, 2010

Demon of Wrath

The land is rent asunder, raw lava flows forth in a rising cone, the capitol itself is threatened.

A lover's dying curse threatens everyone with the terrible revenge of the demon of wrath.

A useful artifact in the guise of a simple object offers clarity in a skein of madness.

A condemned criminal, the recipient of dangerous information, finds an opportunity for acquital in the shape of a deadly quest.


  1. Is that steam of stuff water or lava? It's running through the middle of town?

  2. Oh yeah! I think of it as the insubstantial (and possibly invisble) body of the wrath demon inhabiting the dungeon. Maybe I should add something to the description to that effect, like:

    A spectral rider linked to a dungeon chamber by arcane bonds

  3. I LOVE THIS. When will you be selling original art again? Hint hint?

  4. Cool! Thanks! I plan to put some stuff on sale again pretty soon, including stuff already posted on the blog. It's a matter of assembling the logistics. With any luck, it'll be next week!

  5. I want to purchase this dungeon and put it up in my home.

    -Joe McDaldno
