
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I have been playing Nethack since there was an Internet. I have never beaten it, not even once. I am apparently terrible at this game. I fail and fail and fail again. Yet I keep coming back. My current favorite flavor is the spectacular Stone Soup Dungeon Crawl.


  1. It's possible to win Nethack?

    My favorite roguelike is currently the excellent DoomRL, a coffeebreak roguelike that manages to steal away those fifteen productive minutes I get to myself every fortnight or so, when I should be writing or doing homework or something. Curses!

  2. I was awfully fond of Ancient Domains of Mystery - if you haven't tried that one give it a go. It gets grindy around 10th level but up until then...

    And I'll send you my "roguelike" which is more like Warhammer Quest than a roguelike if you drop me an e-mail. jdfristrom at gmail dot com

  3. Gotta say, Tony, I love your maps of conceptual spaces as dungeons.

  4. Every time I feel like I might be winning at NetHack, a damn nymph steals my gloves and that dead cockatrice I've been wielding as a weapon suddenly becomes a bit of a problem.

  5. Been playing Stone Soup dungeon-crawl for just the past week or so and it hit's the nethack/rogue-like nerve for me. Now I just have to get a spell-caster to survive for a dungeoneering life I can measure in minutes instead of seconds.
