
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Very Curious

Is that even a microdungeon? I'm not entirely sure. What is a dungeon except a map of certain threats, moods, places, and creatures?

Enough philosophy. A friend of mine asked me to make a squid-flavored dungeon for a biking friend of theirs. This isn't the dungeon that she finally accepted, but I do like this one anyway.


  1. Ha ha! Yes, that's the kind of stuff I come up with for commissions, too (wood is my media, though; boxes, specifically).

    Give me a very general idea of what you want and I can come up with something very personal and personable to you that is also ecologically friendly, to boot.

    Tell me it must include one thing or another and it will feel "forced" and I won't really ever be truly happy with it.

  2. Wow, that sounds really cool! Do you have any pictures of your work online?

  3. i love me some squid in my dungeon!

  4. Nice! Have you played Majesty of Colors, or is this convergent evolution at work?

  5. I have played Majest of Colors, though it wasn't particularly on my mind when I made this. In fact, I had to think for a bit to remember what that game is about. But now that you mention it, yes, convergent evolution at the very least.

  6. @Tony

    Yeah... kind of.

    It's something I threw together last year, just to have a site with some pictures and descriptions on it. I also have a blog...

    It is mostly woodworking-related. Lately, it is mostly inactive.

    But here's the deal. My wife and I had a baby six months ago, and because of baby-preparations and such, my woodworking time took a huge hit about nine or ten months ago. I've not yet figured out how to get it back.

    I made the mistake of leaving my shop in a transitional stage (packing up the temporary space while still working on finishing the new space) and so now I'm also dealing with the My-OCD-can't-handle-this-clutter-so-I'm-going-to-avoid-the-basement challenge, as well.

    If you dig through it, the blog has some good stuff, though. Being a writer by trade (well, technically), I over-edit my own work to extremes, so it generally has good flow and

    My son is starting to reach a stage where things have settled down a bit, so hopefully I'll be able to carve some shop time out of my evenings in the near future...

    The process of creating is too great for me to keep away from it for much longer.

  7. lol

    " it generally has good flow and "

    And what, Ethan? Not sure how I was going to finish that thought, but the sentence was a fail. Sorry.

    I hadn't yet finished my morning coffee when I wrote it.

  8. Wow, that's some sweet stuff. That engagement ring box is pretty spectacular!

    I hear you on the changes of having a child. Ultimately, though, I found it made me get my act together. And as they get older, they can take an active interest in what you do, which is awesome.
