
Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Know What I'm Doing this Summer

I just got the word that I'm going to have an art show at Seattle's Google offices in October. Since I use Google tools almost continuously to help create my art, I'm super excited about this show. The problem is, the picture I most want to show is nowhere near done.
I figure I need about 30 hours of work to finish this. Which means I'm going to be spending a lot of my mornings and evenings working on this between now and October. Fortunately, I can hardly think of a better way to spend my time.


  1. Step 1: Take lots of pics while you are doing the work.

    Step 2: If you aren't done by the time of the show, no one cares. You are showing them the "preview version".

    Step 3: Show a "best of" so they can see your progress along with where you are now.


  2. Congrats. That's great! Oh I've been meaning to ask about custom dungeon commissions and such.
