More Pople Need to get a Dungeon by Me
Look, in no way am I trying to say that anyone needs to go out and drop more money on a Kickstarter than they need to. I routinely completely neglect really awesome Kickstarter projects even when started by good friends of mine. I'm a bit of a bastard about it, actually.

But more of you people really need to get a custom dungeon map drawn by me. It's right at the bottom under Dungeon Architect. Only two people have claimed it. It's a pretty awesome perk. I'm just saying.*

So what does the Dungeon Map mean? It means I'll call you up on the phone, or Skype, or your media of choice, and gab for a while about dungeons. Maybe we'll talk about dungeons we have known, good ones and bad ones, what we've never seen in a dungeon but would like to, what we think every dungeon should have. Then I'll draw a dungeon inspired by our conversation. Then I'll mail it to you suitable for framing and also send you a high quality PDF of the drawing.
Labels: art, dungeonworld, kickstarer
That is awesome, Tony. I think I would prefer to save my money to commission you to draw a dungeon to my exact specifications for a DW module. Do you do work like that?
June 21, 2012 at 6:17 PM
Yeah I totally do! I'm really crammed up with work and life right now, but I'll be offering commissions sometime a little ways down the road.
June 21, 2012 at 6:55 PM
You forgot to mention that Sage and Adam also create a Front for the dungeon map, which is included in the PDF version of the map.
June 21, 2012 at 11:51 PM
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