Fear and Loathing

Labels: goblins, map, microduneon
Labels: goblins, map, microduneon
FYI, there was a problem with the February compilation. It was missing some dungeons! It has been fixed now.
Labels: meta
There's an interesting article on Slate right now, She Does a Better Job that MapQuest, an exploration of hand-drawn maps. As you might have guessed, I'm a fan of hand-drawn, not just for art, but for practicality. Read the article. It's a good exploration of the utility and beauty of hand-drawn maps, then go check out the Web site of The Hand Drawn Map Association. You'll see some of mine on there.
Labels: maps
Labels: maps, microduneon, object dungeon
Nick Kristof of The Fantasy Cartographic was kind enough to create a compilation PDF of all the February dungeons, and it looks great! Having all the dungeon in one book with their descriptions is very handy indeed. Thank you, Nick!
Labels: compilation, PDF
Labels: alpha predator, microdungeon
Labels: giant, machinery, microdungeon, spiders, water
A couple of nights ago I was feeling kind of down and exhausted after a busy, difficult couple of weeks of life and work, and feeling creatively drained. So I did that thing you do when you're down, I made some random tables.
Light | Twilight | Dark |
1. Honey 2. Top Hat * 3. Giggling 4. Pearl 5. Moon 6. Heart 7. Surgeon 8. Starlight 9. Glances 10. Operatic 11. Snow 12. Sponge 13. Roses 14. Perfume 15. Unicorn 16. Sparrow 17. Poet 18. Silk 19. Pilot 20. Jack-in-the-box | 1. Stalactite 2. Fangs 3. Mandrake 4. Mushroom 5. Bandaged 6. Root 7. Tattoo 8. Dripping 9. Stockings 10. Chitinous 11. Frozen in amber 12. Fingernails 13. Petrified 14. Hair 15. Eagle 16. Rhinoceros horn 17. Sewer Engineer 18. Fisherman 19. Operating theatre 20. Naga | 1. Leech 2. Brain 3. Rotting 4. Rust 5. Eyeball 6. Spider 7. Wound 8. Oozing 9. A black cat 10. Odd-shaped shadows 11. Vampire 12. Lice 13. Tears 14. Murder 15. Walled-up 16. Zombie 17. Millipede 18. Chimney Sweep 19. Pickpocket 20. Troll |
Labels: dungeon weird, random tables
Labels: giant, map, microduneon
It's time to put up some of the originals for sale! These things are just cluttering up my desk and I need to stop moddlycoddling them and let them go out into the world -- to good homes only!
Labels: microduneon, planar
Hey all,
Labels: about
Labels: alpha predator, map, microdungeon, temple
Comic Book Cartography is a spectacular blog of the art of the fantastic in maps!
Labels: goplaynw
A scriptorium is nothing more than a room where acolytes or other trained scribes are employed to copy books or scrolls. Within these limitations, a broad range of arrangements are possible. Scriptoriums of the religious, arcane, or commercial sorts are possible. Arcane scriptoriums in particular may require special magical security measures if the material itself is at all magical. Even a small typographical error can cause catastrophic results. Those employed in these places are often lesser underlings who spend long hours at tedious work. As a result, there always the temptation to tuck away a particularly choice bit of script for personal use or enjoyment. Such a hidden stash might include valuable arcane lore, magic spells, or religious secrets. Petty gossip or pornographic poetry is just as likely to be the subject matter, though occasionally these can be valuable pieces in their own rite.
Labels: dungeon dressing
Labels: alpha predator, elements, lair, map, microduneon
Last night, Gabe, Phil, and I fired up Apocalypse D&D again to continue our adventure in the mines of Khunmar.
Labels: adventure, AP, ApocalypseDND, minesofkhunmar
Labels: alpha predator, lair, microduneon
Labels: microdungeon, my dungeon
Labels: not a dungeon