The Monster's Dungeon

Labels: alpha predator, map, microdungeon, my dungeon
Labels: alpha predator, map, microdungeon, my dungeon
I've gotten a few inquiries already on buying dungeons. I'm planning to sell more of them soon. I just need to take care of a few little infrastructural matters. It won't happen this week however, as I've been blessed with an abundance of work! Probably over the weekend I'll set up some Paypal stuff and then make some more dungeons available for anyone who wants to buy them.
Labels: forsale
Labels: microduneon, my dungeon, princess
Labels: demon, microdungeon, monsters inside
Labels: dungeon mastering, gamemastery
I am not a Zak S fanboy, really I'm not. It's just that everything he says on his blogs these days seems to go right into the D&D place in my brain and resonate with every single thing in there.
Labels: eidetic
Tuesday night, Phil and Gabe and I decided to throw off our monthly pool game and kick back at the pub for a game of D&D instead, and we were joined briefly by Brandon. I was psyched because I was itching to run an old-style dungeon crawl. Because I had some ideas I wanted to try out, we played a homebrew mashup of AD&D and Apocalypse World.* I also got to pull out the Mines of Khunmar, a pdf megadungeon I’ve been wanting to try out for a long time. *Spoilers Follow*
Labels: adventure, AP, ApocalypseDND, megadungeon, minesofkhunmar
Labels: mad wizard, maps, microdungeon, temple, trick
In my quest to really dig into the game of D&D I've been listening to (and watching) a lot of actual play lately. I can listen to it when I'm doing light editing and research work without it being too interruptive. Here's what I've found lately:
What values do you find to believe in through your role-playing? I find:
Anything to add?
The sage Emmerline classifies mildew as being any dungeon mold that is non-carnivorous and non-motile. Mildew is omnipresent in dungeon environments where moisture is available. Typically, mildew is little more than a nuisance, but there are notable exceptions.
Labels: dungeon dressing
I find that a good dungeon comes from an act of inspiration, drawn from the persistent ideas that I just can't otherwise get out of my head. I never expected to find a literal expression of this idea, but I have.
Labels: eidetic, monsters inside, review
Labels: mad wizard, water
Labels: dungeon dressing
Since Google forced me to migrate off of FTP publishing and move this blog to instead of plain-old, I've lost 200 subscribers. This has made me unusually discouraged. 200 people aren't seeing my dungeons any more. I started using Google services because I wanted services I knew would stick around. This is a fail.
Labels: meta
@allenvarney tweeted this excellent article by Ken MacLeod making a plea for fantasy maps that at least reflect the variety of real world medevil maps.
When we look at the ancient and mediaeval worlds, we see if anything a greater diversity of forms of rule than we see today. In fantasy, where we might expect a wide play of fancy, we see nothing of the kind. There are good monarchies, legitimised by prophecy or ancient artifact. There are evil empires, usually in the east. There are barbarian tribes. Here and there, if we're lucky, there are city states ruled by merchant princes. There are plenty of exceptions - Pratchett, Gentle, Pinto, Mieville - but that's the rule.
Labels: coffee, elements, map, microdungeon, object dungeon
I worked a bunch of exhausting 12-hour days this week, and to celebrate it's end I went up to my favorite coffee shop to read the AD&D Monster Manual and bring Read an RPG in Public Week to an end in style.
Labels: alpha predator, monsters inside, review
Labels: cave, map, microdungeon, treasure, trick
I've been really busy this week with family and work-related stuff, so I don't have a post ready this morning. Sorry! I'm working on something, I really am.
Labels: cave, elements, maps, microdungeon
There's an awesome post over on io9 featuring maps from the show Lost, including links to some very nice fan-made maps.
Labels: maps
Labels: library, mad wizard, microdungeon
I'm trying to work out my own approach to running dungeon adventure RPGs. A big part of this is being the eyes and ears of the player characters. It’s the job of the dungeon master to be the eyes and ears of the players.
Labels: dungeon mastering, gamemastery
Labels: alpha predator, cave, goblins, map, microdungeon